Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Waiting for the meeting to start...

The Personnel Group meeting is wonderfully vital and usually very enjoyable, but the veteran members are masters of not finding each other. In the short time that I have been coming to these meetings, I have learned that when you have to spend all day discussing policy, it's much more tolerable if you don't start right away. If anyone arrives when no one else is there, then there is obviously time to get a cup of tea, and the quest for tea is often a vehicle for numerous necessary distractions. The community building, especially on a Tuesday when Babaji is hanging around, can be a vortex, and trying to make it from one end to the other can turn in to the seemingly endless flow of "stop and chats."

Ah! JD just arrived. Looks like it's almost time to start. He said he would go try to "roust the ladies" and get a cup of tea. Maybe my cup could use some more hot water as well.

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